This function was held as a farewell gift for 2 teachers(Cg Ismadi & Cg Nine) who will be furthering their studies at UBD, one relief teacher (Cg Asrul) who ended his service to the school last year and one teacher who was transferrred to SR Bakiau, Tutong I. Now, SR Layong is left with 12 teachers with 80 pupils' to teach. Tiring as it is, we teachers here are ready to step up to the challenges.
Cg. Ismadi receiving a gift from our GB (Cg. Kasim Bin Hj. Marsal). Cg. Ismadi was considered as one of the interactive minds around the school. Active in sports and yet fond for ICT. Definitely a good teacher.
Cg. Asrul's time at the school was rather brief but all his efforts to teach and guide pupils' here we will always cherish.
Cg Nine was considered as one of the most creative teachers around. Strict but yet nice, she will always be remembered by teachers and pupils' alike.
Catat Ulasan